While most of us do sports, competitive or not we do them but some of us don’t some just don’t like it and think it’s a waste of time and of course that’s their right to do so but I have a couple of reasons why you should:
Healthy: Of course some sports are better for the body than others but as long as you’re moving and getting your heart pumping even if it’s 20 min of hard intensity it’s something.
Feels good: No matter what you do, even if it’s not sports related the feeling of getting something done is one of the most satisfying feelings a person can get.
Results: If you work enough time on a sport that could change you body and the size of it it’s an amazing feeling to see results because you worked hard.
Eating: Well of course in some sports you have to keep a good diet to see results in some you burn so many calories that it doesn’t matter how many calories you consume afterwards so you can eat whatever you want.